Monday, September 15, 2014

Wednesday #36 -Normal

             There was once a man who was normal. He was born to normal parents and a normal family. He had normal things during his childhood, such as birthdays, vacations, as well as heartbreaks and troubles throughout his teen years, and he was happy. He faced tyranny from his parents then, and he had normal thoughts about the world, as all teenagers did, but he was happy. He grew up more and went on to do many more normal things, like college, where he studied something normal like business, or engineering, or maybe some kind of normal degree. He made normal friends, did the normal college kid things, and he was happy.
            After college, the man moved some place normal for people fresh out of school, like a big city. He got a normal, simple apartment, and got a normal roommate to split the rent (which was, of course, the average rate for that part of the city). He got himself a normal job, which his normal degree prepared him for, and he was happy. He worked at that job for a good amount of years, five or six, whatever’s normal, until he decided he needed a change, so he packed his bags full of his normal things and moved to a new, normal city, which he liked, and he was happy.
            His new city was full of new wonders and experiences that any person could normally expect when they move to a new city. He met new people, and he met normal people, too. He found love, which is normal, and did normal things with his love, like dinner dates, movies, meeting each other’s parents, and spending time together with their friends. He eventually got married, after dating his love for the normal amount of time before one does such a thing. It was a beautiful ceremony, and it was all perfectly normal, and it made him happy.
            He had children, as is normal, and he had the normal amount of them. He loved them all, as is normal, and he watched them grow up, giving them normal things like birthdays and vacations, and helping them through their heartbreaks and troubles throughout their teen years, which is normal. He felt like a tyrant to them when they were in high school, and he watched them grow up. He sent them to college, as is normal, and despite how much he missed them, he was happy. He grew old, and did normal things with himself and his spouse, until one day she died, in a perfectly normal way. After he managed her affairs, he found that he, too, was dying.
            He sat down one day, very close to the end, and looked back over his life. From the very beginning up until that very day, he looked across his entire life, and he saw that he was happy throughout it.
But it was nothing but normal, and that made him sad.

Peace, my brother, its all we have
For if that shatters
War would ruin us all

Underneath that dam of Hell
We would be swept away
If and when it breaks

We must have peace
Or else all we'll have is
Pieces, my brother, of all we had. 
                                "The worst fear of all is the fear of living." -Theodore Roosevelt

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