Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Din of Existence

     There is an undeniable feeling of despair that walks hand in hand with the belief that nothing is important. When we succumb, or rather, if we succumb to the riptide of inevitable death and potential insignificance, life seems pointless. But why is it then that we still get up? There is a simple decision that you and I make every morning, and one that most people aren't even awake enough to notice: waking up. Sure, everyone wakes up in the morning, and everyone has been waking up since before the dawn of opposable thumbs (with the exception of the infirm, the bed ridden, and the narcoleptics), but think of it from a different perspective. Think that not getting out of bed is a totally viable and available option in your life, and then realize that you chose to get up every single day of your life (with previous exceptions again considered and excused). I'm not really trying to be super peppy or happy or inspirational, but appreciate that fact. There will be a day when we won't be waking up in the morning, and never will again, and yet we as a species still get up every single day and live the life that happens before our own sleeping morning. For the past few years -and even still today- I've always wondered why people get up and do things when it technically doesn't matter (thank you nihilism), why there's this belief that things have to be done at all, and the answer can go many ways, but the one I find a predisposition towards is that of human stubbornness.
      "Oh! You'll be uncaring and apathetic universe? Well guess what, I'm still going to find meaning in my life anyway, so ha!" Take that stubbornness, and multiply not just be every person that is wake up and doing things everyday, but also all the people who have done things and those who will do things in the future, and that is the definition of the "indomitable human will."    
     It's something that many people talk about and write about and dream about, and it's what makes every person on the planet significant in some way, because by every persons act of living, we scream into the apathetic universe, our voices bellowing into its silence, and while I know that this battle cry of humanity will one day fall to hushed tones then back to silence, I am still proud to know that I have added to the din. Thank you for lending your voices, too.

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