Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday #22 - Books

    Hello Dreamers! I how you guys have been rockin' it since I last say you! So, this week, we're going to talk about... Books!
     Today (and for the next couple of days, for that matter), I found myself I'm my schools book room, which is a glorious place to find yourself if you LOVE books the way I do. I was assigned to work there, since one of my classes is out of student (all the seniors have left, and it was mostly composed of seniors), and had to apply my organizational skills to the shelves and the supply closets. Something struck me, while I was laboring in that inferno of a room (it's so hot in there, I'm worried the books might catch on fire): I haven't read nearly enough  "classic" books.  Like, I haven't read Grapes of Wrath, Fahrenheit 451, Slaughterhouse 5,  and other selections. So, in order to combat this, I've compiled a list of books that I'm going to try to read over the summer... it's long... like, 35 books long... I'm going to get started on it very soon... like, tomorrow...
     Speaking of books, I'm a huge fan of the Dresden Files, a story of Chicago's only professional wizard, by Jim Butcher. I was out for a drive tonight, and decided to stop by Barnes & Noble, just to see if there was another Dresden File book there. I found the book I've been looking for (YES!), and checked my wallet to make sure that I had enough money to by it, and I found that I was 49 cents short... Luckily, my father was with me, so I was able to get the slight amount of money I was missing. See, at this point in the story, I'd like to point out that this very morning, I removed all the loose change from my wallet, so I had no coinage on me, only... billage... with me. Anyway, I got an extra buck from my pop, and so I run in to get the book (the store was closing in about 10 minutes)(another fun thing that happened: A guy from the local professional baseball team called me Indiana Jones), make it to the check out line a minute before the store closes, and remember that I have a membership  at Barnes & Noble... Which reduced the cost of the book...  by more than a dollar... I feel a bit like a rat in a maze...
     Well, that's a quick little insight into what's going on around me. I feel like ever since I started writing this blog, my life has gotten more interesting, and a bit more sitcom-like... thank God I'm not being stalked by a camera crew and living my life to a set of scripted scenes, only to be shut down after a couple weeks and bad ratings...

Death be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for, thou art not so,
For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow,
Die not, poor death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
John Donne
"Believe you can, and you're halfway there." -Theodore Roosevelt

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