Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wednesday #29 - Tangents

Hello Dreamers! How are you guys doing today? Fun little fact: when this is posted, I'll in a place without any internet access... and I won't have my phone... But it still will get posted... magic... and the Assistant Content Director of Across 53 Wednesdays helping me out by posting this one for me. Big hand goes to Claire Schiavone for doing this for me, and keeping this blog on track.
For any of you who've taken calculus know what tangents are, but for those of you who don't, a tangent is a line that touches another line at one point, and one point only. So, what's a tangential person? Well, if you were to plot your life on a 4 dimensional graph (x, y, z, t), a tangential person would be someone who you met once, and only once. As in you'd never, ever run into that person again, in all your life. 
And, in a similar fashion, there are also people who are parallel lines to you. People who will have such a similar life to you, with similar experiences and paths in life, but at no point with you meet this person... And there's a good chance you have someone like that. Just something to think about.

Dream Variation

To fling my arms wide
In some place of the sun,
To whirl and to dance
Till the white day is done.
Then rest at cool evening
Beneath a tall tree
While night comes on gently,
Dark like me-
That is my dream!

To fling my arms wide
In the face of the sun,
Dance! Whirl! Whirl!
Til the quick day is done.
Rest at pale evening...
A tall, slim tree...
Night coming tenderly
Black like me.

-Langston Hughes

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."
-Friedrich Nietzsche

Hi, Dreamers! Claire Schiavone, "Assistant Content Director of Across 53 Wednesdays", here (boy, is that a mouthful). As JD mentioned, he's off in no man's land with no internet access and asked me to post this with "a poem and a quote, and a personal note please?" I think I've done just that.
The poem I was planning on using was "Dreams" by Langston Hughes. Glad I glanced back at last week's post, because that is the very poem JD used (thanks a heap, pal). A different dream-themed Langston Hughes poem sufficed. I found the quote in a book (The Slippery Slope by Lemony Snicket). This seems like an adequate "personal note", so on that note (heh), bye!

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