Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Wednesday #1 - New Year's

 Happy New Year everybody! Today is the 1st of January, in the year 2014. Get ready to accidentally write 2013 on your papers for the next couple of weeks, I know I will be.
     So, I don't know if anybody else noticed, but the year 2014 both starts and ends on a Wednesday. This means that there will be 53 Wednesdays in the year. Not super special but hey, it's a little fun factoid. Anyways, I decided that I would get back into blogging this year. Call it a New Years resolution if you will.
     How this is supposed to work is that every Wednesday I post something on this blog. It could be a random thought I had, it could be a slight anecdote about something that happened that week (maybe with pictures), or even (if I'm feeling it) a video or two. The main point of this is to get me back into the whole writing mindset, and create a fun and very potentially embarrassing thing for my future offspring to stumble upon and freak them out. Either way, it should be fun.
     Can I ask a question? Does anybody honestly know the words to the song Auld Lang Syne? Because there was a failed attempt to sing it (perhaps by me) at the New Years party I was at last night/this morning, and no one there apparently knew the words. Perhaps someone knew, but they were keeping it secret... But the more that I think on that, the more I know that's highly unlikely (still possible). It would seem that everyone knows the tune and can at the very least hum that, but the words are lost to the world... I mean, they're on the Internet, so they aren't lost to knowledge, but I'm not entirely sure that they can be held in the human mind long enough to learn and then sing at the appropriate time.
     Since this is a blog whose origin is founded on the concept of the New Years Resolution, it only seems fitting to ask of you this: What was a resolution you had that you completed, and what are some you have for this year? If you feel inclined, leave something in the comments below. Well, there isn't much left to say, so I guess I'll just leave it with the following:
A little poem I wrote, see if you can tell what its about
The sky is clear
on the fateful day
the metal bird
can see the way
the lines below
soon erased
by the Greatest Destruction
man's yet faced

down falls a Fat Man
and a Little Boy
from a hurting world
and cries tears not of joy
-JD Galuardi

"War is no longer just about soldiers" - Norman Crosby

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