Friday, January 31, 2014

Monthly Wrap-Up: January

Well, this is it. January 31st. The last day of the first month of the year. Now, I'm not sure of you guys, but I can get pretty nostalgic for this sort of thing (months ending, years ending, seasons ending, birthdays), so it means something to me. That being said, let's do a month wrap up:
In this month, a petition reached the White House to deport Justin Bieber
In this month, it snowed for days and days, and I don't think more than a day or two went by where there wasn't snow on the ground.
In this month, my sister turned 20 years old.
In this month, I wrote 5.1 posts, and got this year off to a nice start.
In this month, I got sick, and had to stay home on Friday, 31st of January.
In this month, a new semester started for my school.
In this month, I became one with the universe.
I look forward to what February brings.

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