Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday #6 - Life Can Be Strange

Hello everyone! Welcome to Across 53 Wednesdays! Every Wednesday, sometimes between the midnights, I post something up here for either my entertainment or yours (not quite sure who yet). But that brings me to something I've been wondering: what should I call you? I mean, it's not like I can write down the names of everyone who reads this, and nor can I know when I write this who will read it for all of it's existence. I may be one with the universe, but I'm not omniscient. So, the question comes to you: What would you like to be called, as the reader. I personally feel like I'm writing to individuals, like a letter or an email (some may tell you I actually send hand written letters through this thing call the mail), but it's a little weird for me to write to a nameless entity. So, I ask you to in the comments (or if you're able to message me on Facebook or via text) tell me what you think you should be called. Next week, I'll post my favorite 10 or so, and then you get to vote on the one that you want to be called. Simple as that.
     So, something weird happened to me today. Like, it happened just before I went into my room to write, and now I feel the need to talk about in a very public fashion weird. As I'm sure you know, it is common practice amongst people who had assigning specific ringtones as a novelty to do so with people who call them frequently (like I have specific ringtones for my girlfriend, best friend, and immediate family). With the exposition now established, here's what happened: I was spending sometime with my parents, enjoying light conversation, when the topic of ringtones arose. My mother then insisted that I call her, and hear what she has set as my ringtone. So I called, and proceeded to hear a song I played a couple years ago in marching band. And then my father insisted that I call him, and hear what he has set for a ringtone when I call him. For some strange reason, they seemed eager to inform me that they had set specialized ringtones for when I call them, and took great delight in seeing my reaction to it... But that's not the worst of it.
     No, the worst came when I was heading upstairs. As I was leaving earshot and direct focus on the conversation, I heard my mother say
     "Here, [name omitted], call me so you can hear what I have set for your ringtone."
      I was honestly worried about this most recent obsession that my parents have obtained. (quick little question: are things like this genetic? Should I expect this kind of thing to happen to me?) Could this be a thing that happens to all parents after a certain amount of time? Is 20 years the breaking point? But that isn't the end of the story. When I opened the door to my room, I found that my dog was standing on the bed. Not lying down, not sitting, but standing... almost waiting for me... 
     Well, I have been thoroughly freaked out today, and so I am done. I end it as always friends, with a poem and a quote (you can try submitting quotes if you want...)
Books, Books, Glorious Books!
Books, Books, Glorious Books!
Grab one, sit down, read it in a nook.
Or maybe you’d like to read them elsewhere?
In your house, in your room, at your desk, in a chair?
In a car, on a plane, in the warmth of sunlight?
When its day, when its night, whenever it feels right?
And of course its your favorite genre im sure.
Fantasy, historic, romantic, action/adventure.
These books are relished, loved, adored!
And you can get other if you get bored!
So hey, whats keeping you from reading?
Trust me, believe me, its what your brains been needing!
So maybe you don’t like reading as much as me.
But reading is fun, that much is easy to see.
Whats that? You’re an author you say?
Well come on in and stay for a day!
Now, lets talk about your book,
Did you bring a copy? I’d love to take a look.

"This is the moment where you punch the audience in the mouth! It's like you're taking Jinghan's brake drum, and smacking grandma in the face! COME HERE GRANDMA!!!" -Shawn Westover

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