Friday, February 28, 2014

Monthly Wrap-Up: February

     Why is it that the shortest month of the year always feels like the longest? Could it be the ridiculous snow? Or perhaps its the gray skies? Either way, it's done, and good riddance. From here, the year starts looking up!
     In this month, we:
  • Talked about custom ringtones, and my dog standing on my bed
  • Talked about Cats: why I love them, why I hate them, and why you're sending me to Hell for it
  • Talked about Values: gold is the standard, but why? and how come it says "part 1"?
  •  Listen to me ramble as I wrote a blog post that had nothing put into for thought for it. And we Dreamed. Fatuously.
     Thank you guys so much for coming this far with me, here's to a happy March. Keep dreaming, and keep fighting (as a radio DJ friend of mine would put it) the Good Fight (a special thanks to ye who lent me Fallout 3)
"..."- Anonymous

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