Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday #9 - I Don't Remember

     Hello everyone! Tis I, your friend with a keyboard! And it's that special time of the week that I approach with a strange mix of excitement and caution. But that's enough about me, let's talk about me. No, let's talk about us.
     In case you haven't noticed, Across 53 Wednesdays most recent posts have been short, and published late, whereas the older ones were published in the afternoon, and had thought and time put into them. Well, that observation is quite correct.
     Well, to tell you guys the honest truth, I don't always remember what I wanted to talk about, nor can I readily create a topic off the top of my head that often. So, whatever I write is typically something that I just thought about and something that hasn't actually had a week to run through my mind and become a more fully formed thought.
     You might enjoy that, it means you're getting the real JD, no preservative or additives. But it also means that you're being cheated out of a much better blog post. And I don't like cheating you out of something, but the unfortunate truth of my current situation is that I won't be able to put the truly necessary time into Across 53 Wednesdays until around April.
     What? A whole month? Yes, I know that seems like a lot of time, but its when my schedule really opens up, and its when I can write things instead of studying for tests that determine my future... You know, maybe I should just work more on this, so it can become my actual job...
    All kidding aside (but maybe I wasn't kidding), I owe it to you and me to keep this thing more than just a poorly thought out idea or anecdote, but really a place where you go to think, and learn.That's right, I want you to think and learn here at Across 53 Wednesdays.
     I want you to think "why am I wasting my time looking at this?" and learn that I'm honestly just a 16 year old kid who was bored enough on New Years Day to look at the calendar and realize that there are 53 (with 44 remaining) Wednesdays in 2014 (by the way, if you're still writing 2013 on your paper, you really need to stop. It's been 9 weeks now, get over it. 2013 was great and all, but it's time to move on).
     But let's be honest with each other. If you made it this far into the blog, you have a greater attention span than the average American, and for that you should be commended.
     In all seriousness, I am actually dedicated to this blog, and will still be trying to post exemplary stuff on it with the schedule I have. Just to make it up to you though, I will be posting a lot more in the summer, and might even switch to a twice a week schedule then... Ooh... Aah...
     For those of you who have told me directly (you know who you are) that you like my blog, here's me publicly saying thank you for that.
Thank you
     So, February is almost done, but I haven't yet reached a goal I had for it... to get at least 300 page views this month, and I'm about 50 or so views away... I feel bad about asking, but share this with your friends, family, random strangers, enemies (that way you guys have something to talk about instead of death stares), and acquaintances. I believe in what you and I are making together here (because your views egg me on. Honestly, if people didn't read this, I probably wouldn't have made it to the 9th Wednesday), and if you do to, if you believe in the Absurd, if you believe in the Incongruous, if you just want to feel apart of something, then let's make some magic guys. Dream the Fatuous Dream.
     That blog got way off topic...

Fire and Ice
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
Robert Frost

  "My brain moves faster than the toilet can flush" -JD Galuardi
This is me... Wearing a hat...

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