Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wednesday #16 - No Acts Of Sodomy

Hey guys! How y'all doin'? Mighty fine?
I don't have anything to talk about this week. But I will have stuff to talk about next week! Like, a lot! 
But still, nothing this week. No, not even anti-sodomy laws in Maryland. I found out the reason behind that law's existence is actually much more boring than I had hoped it to be. It's because people don't like acts of sodomy. If you don't know what that is, just look it up. 
So, nothing much this week. Sorry guys. But I'll have a ton of pictures and stories next week, I promise. 
There comes a moment
A moment so rare
That if you're not careful
You might not know it's there

A few brief seconds
And all of time
Rushes to fill it up
To add rhythm and rhyme

That moment so short
A couples breaths in length
Creates a memory so powerful
Endowed with immeasurable strength

Those moments are there
They keep happening everyday
We experience them infinitely
In every single way

Soon you'll finish reading
And the moment will be gone
But while you're still reading
The moment still goes on

You'll never again know
A moment quite like this
Never again live the same
As it falls into the Abyss

And the Doors of Time
Slam shut on the past
And you can't reclaim your gamble
After the dive have been cast

So make the bet a good one
Because you might lose it all
Except for the memories
Which you'll wear like a shawl

This moments come and gone
And my words said and done
This is all in the past
Onward time has run
                    "And can you feel the love tonight?" -any drama kid

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