Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Summer Supplemental #1 - Camping Metaphor

The world works in really strange ways...

     Figured I ought to establish that, before we get started, and now that that has been addressed, we can begin. This past weekend, I found myself on a camping trip with the local 4-H group (which is a co-ed youth group, organized into clubs, and governed by a set of by-laws), which I am now a member of. For those of you who are moderately acquainted with me, the news of me going camping is nothing shocking or surprising, but for those of you who aren't, it's exposition time...
     I have been a member of the Boy Scouts of America, for about 7 years now, and over that time I have gone on quite a few camping trips, ranging from the sandy shores of Assateague Island MD to the heights of Trails Peak NM. So, I do a lot of camping, and mostly with the Boy Scouts.
     The very first trip I took with my troop, when I was a new Scout, was the the (aptly named) New Scout Campout, which was held in a campsite named Poplar Grove, in a nearby park. On this camping trip, I was taught some incredibly important skills, such as basic first aid, knot tying, fire starting, knife safety, and the various ins and outs of camping.
     Skip ahead 7 years. I return to that exact same campsite... for my first camping trip... with another youth group... but that campsite has grown with me; it is no longer the run down place it once was. Before, the site had a single latrine: old, smelly, Satan's vassal. Now, it's all not smelly (or rather, not as smelly). The pavilion there was all fixed up, the tables actually fully intact, campsites designated, and equally divided. I personally seek out metaphors in life, but come on! THIS IS STARING ME IN THE FACE SAYING HELLO JD! I'M RIGHT HERE! As I have grown, matured, and become more of who I am supposed to be, so has this site, this place where I started the journey to where I am today.
     In my life there are only a handful of distinct turning points in my life: the day I manned up enough to ask out my girlfriend, my trip to Philmont, walking up the stairs of my middle school for the first time thinking "one day I'll walk down these for the last time (thank God that happened)," my uncle Jeans funeral, and that camping trip. What am I supposed to take this as?!? Is the universe trying to tell me something?
    I'm not sure why this seems so significant, but I really is to me. Anyway, there's a pretty funny music video I was shown on Youtube, and I would now like to share it with you:

See ya

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