Friday, February 28, 2014

Monthly Wrap-Up: February

     Why is it that the shortest month of the year always feels like the longest? Could it be the ridiculous snow? Or perhaps its the gray skies? Either way, it's done, and good riddance. From here, the year starts looking up!
     In this month, we:
  • Talked about custom ringtones, and my dog standing on my bed
  • Talked about Cats: why I love them, why I hate them, and why you're sending me to Hell for it
  • Talked about Values: gold is the standard, but why? and how come it says "part 1"?
  •  Listen to me ramble as I wrote a blog post that had nothing put into for thought for it. And we Dreamed. Fatuously.
     Thank you guys so much for coming this far with me, here's to a happy March. Keep dreaming, and keep fighting (as a radio DJ friend of mine would put it) the Good Fight (a special thanks to ye who lent me Fallout 3)
"..."- Anonymous

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday #9 - I Don't Remember

     Hello everyone! Tis I, your friend with a keyboard! And it's that special time of the week that I approach with a strange mix of excitement and caution. But that's enough about me, let's talk about me. No, let's talk about us.
     In case you haven't noticed, Across 53 Wednesdays most recent posts have been short, and published late, whereas the older ones were published in the afternoon, and had thought and time put into them. Well, that observation is quite correct.
     Well, to tell you guys the honest truth, I don't always remember what I wanted to talk about, nor can I readily create a topic off the top of my head that often. So, whatever I write is typically something that I just thought about and something that hasn't actually had a week to run through my mind and become a more fully formed thought.
     You might enjoy that, it means you're getting the real JD, no preservative or additives. But it also means that you're being cheated out of a much better blog post. And I don't like cheating you out of something, but the unfortunate truth of my current situation is that I won't be able to put the truly necessary time into Across 53 Wednesdays until around April.
     What? A whole month? Yes, I know that seems like a lot of time, but its when my schedule really opens up, and its when I can write things instead of studying for tests that determine my future... You know, maybe I should just work more on this, so it can become my actual job...
    All kidding aside (but maybe I wasn't kidding), I owe it to you and me to keep this thing more than just a poorly thought out idea or anecdote, but really a place where you go to think, and learn.That's right, I want you to think and learn here at Across 53 Wednesdays.
     I want you to think "why am I wasting my time looking at this?" and learn that I'm honestly just a 16 year old kid who was bored enough on New Years Day to look at the calendar and realize that there are 53 (with 44 remaining) Wednesdays in 2014 (by the way, if you're still writing 2013 on your paper, you really need to stop. It's been 9 weeks now, get over it. 2013 was great and all, but it's time to move on).
     But let's be honest with each other. If you made it this far into the blog, you have a greater attention span than the average American, and for that you should be commended.
     In all seriousness, I am actually dedicated to this blog, and will still be trying to post exemplary stuff on it with the schedule I have. Just to make it up to you though, I will be posting a lot more in the summer, and might even switch to a twice a week schedule then... Ooh... Aah...
     For those of you who have told me directly (you know who you are) that you like my blog, here's me publicly saying thank you for that.
Thank you
     So, February is almost done, but I haven't yet reached a goal I had for it... to get at least 300 page views this month, and I'm about 50 or so views away... I feel bad about asking, but share this with your friends, family, random strangers, enemies (that way you guys have something to talk about instead of death stares), and acquaintances. I believe in what you and I are making together here (because your views egg me on. Honestly, if people didn't read this, I probably wouldn't have made it to the 9th Wednesday), and if you do to, if you believe in the Absurd, if you believe in the Incongruous, if you just want to feel apart of something, then let's make some magic guys. Dream the Fatuous Dream.
     That blog got way off topic...

Fire and Ice
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
Robert Frost

  "My brain moves faster than the toilet can flush" -JD Galuardi
This is me... Wearing a hat...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday #8 - Gold Standard

     Hello everybody! It's the day in the middle of the American work week, and you know what that means... Well, since we all seem to know it, there really isn't a need to say it.
Value: Gold Standards
     Why do we value gold and diamonds? Honestly, why?
     Sure, these items are attractive looking (after they've been cut, shaped, altered, and polished), but is that the only reason why we value them? If that's the case, then how come things like polished steel isn't selling for thousands of dollars per pound?
     Historically, it was because we as humans found it difficult to find things like gold and diamonds, thus giving it a limited supply. Through the model of supply and demand economics, the lower supply with a high demand results in a high price. But without that high demand, gold isn't worth itself in it's own weight.
     It could very well be because of what you can do with gold that makes it valuable. It's highly malleable and ductile, so it can be shaped and crafted into any assortment of items, from jewelry to coins to intricate wire systems. Without question, gold has it's practical uses (but don't use it as a sword), so it can be understood why we value gold. If something can be efficiently and effectively, there's no doubt that the opportunistic human with want it and value it. But that means we should value water much more than we do, or fire, or iron. However, you never got "copper stars" or "tin stars" for doing something good in daycare, but a "gold star".
     Obviously, there's more to talk about here than can be said in one blog post, or at 2200 after a full 14 hour day with 4 hours of sleep, and I want to do this topic justice. So, I won't be finishing this, but will instead be extended this topic into other posts, (I can't guarantee that it'll be next week, but we'll definitely revisit this topic in full).
     That's all that I'm able to write about this week with a back that wants to escape and a sleep deprived mind (happy Vibes 2 and 3? there's your personal life stuff)(yes, I just spoke to specific people in a cryptic manor, that just happened)(here's another one: Burph)(sorry, getting off-topic), so I'm going to call this post to a close. To make up for this post's shortened length, I will probably (no promises) post something else in between now and next Wednesday, so be on the look out for that.
     Last thing I wanted to say before I said good bye for now was check out my film company, called The Collective. Here are some links to videos:
At The Desk
Soda Credits
That's all for this week, I'm going to go pass out.

With My Last

JD Galuardi

I must ne’er drop my life
And let others take hold
To have it ruled by others
And blindly do as I’m told.
To have “leaders” and “commanders”
Use me as if I’m a tool,
And to toss me and discard me,
When I’ve no more thread on my spool.

To be controlled and manipulated
To have not a say at all
To have my will stripped from me
And to be left where it is I last fall

This fate I shall reject and deny!
And rebuke such a dismal end
Ne’er fall victim and slave
To those whom call me “friend”

Never to lose freewill
Or let creativity escape me
To keep a grasp on my mind
And reject who tries to control me

I shall, in the field of my mind,
A place beautiful and free
Where I can swim the widest river
And climb the tallest tree

There, I shall make a stand
And save my will from capture
I will defend mine and my peers
Protect their mind’s pastures

And if, I should in fact fail
And lose to those in the dark
Before I go and vanish
I shall make and leave my mark

It will be a sign of freedom
And one of freewill
It will set fire in hearts
And make the world go still

To stop and think and see
See what they must do
To free themselves eternal
Be they Muslim, Christian, or Jew

For aren’t we all humans,
All of a similar design?
Weren’t we all made by a god?
Or rose out of sea and brine?

And so I will ask you this
Before you rest this night,
Though all of us are kin,
Why do we still fight?

"There's no such things as ladies, there are just womens." -Small Child in Bean & Bagels

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday #7 - Cats: How I Love To Hate Them

     Hey everybody, how are you all doing? I hope just a little better, because it's Wednesday!!! So, nobody sent anything as to a name... so that's not happening...
     Well, I've got a lot that I could talk about this week. I could talk about the Olympics, about Valentine's Day, or I could talk about the impending doom of snow that is waiting in the sky right now. This in consideration, I feel more drawn to talking about cats. I both love and hate cats, and for
what I feel are good reasons.
Why I Love Cats
     Cats make for wonderful companions, to be honest. If you're able to bond with them, and if you're able to get from them the closest thing that they have to trust, you'll find that they make for good company. They are very... interesting to watch as they go crazy over whatever their particular fascination is (shining things, things that make weird noises, birds, things that dangle), and make for good (for lack of a better word) toys if you can manipulate the thing that they are fascinated with (yes, is said toys)(get over it people). They are relatively low maintenance, requiring only food, water, and a place to defecate (which does require regular cleaning). They can easily entertain themselves, and things like brushing them and medical care require little time, as they don't really have to happen all that often. All in all, cats are good pets, especially because of their smaller size and space necessary for a happy life.
Why I Hate Cats
    Who wouldn't hate the Devil? Cats are, put blatantly, evil. They see themselves as the lords of all that they see, walking with such pomp and circumstance in their step. They demand of their owners the world, and will complain to no end if their life is less than optimal. One day, within the last week, I was going to sleep late (a rare privilege), but my cat had other plans. It was 4:06 when the assault began (for a frame of reference, I usually get up at 6:20), and I found my REM sleep under the attack of a cat sitting on my chest and face, cutting off breathing. I awoke from my sleep, but still laid in bed, groggy from my early rising. My initial movement was obviously a cue to my cat to start nudging my face. By nudge I don't mean a few light touches of the face, but instead a ramming speed of a Roman trireme put into the face of a cat, put behind a headbutt straight to the face (I swear, the cat was trying to break my nose). 
It's Okay
     For all of the cat haters, I'm sure you're thinking:
"YES!! Do away with those damn cats!"
And for the cat lovers, I'm sure you're thinking:
To both of these people I have the same response: Good for you. I know that expressing an opinion is going to ruffle feathers (even with cats. I mean, it's not like I'm talking about abortion or anything)(Ohhh... Dang it... I shouldn't have said that...), but it's not like I'm going to start serializing the murders of felines, but I'm also not going to start taking in strays off of the streets. It's as simple as that.
Following a Stream
Is like following a dream
As it all unfolds,
The story is told
The dream moves around, flowing every which way,
Until the stream trickles into the light of day
And just like life, that stream is a journey
Whether you sleep in a bed, or a hospital gurney.
We all have dreams, a stream to follow
Wheter those dreams are fulfilled or the dream is hollow
So lets get moving, the days almost done
And while we’re following the stream, lets have some fun

  "They said make your favorite meal, and I want to make a sandwich with meat and uh... salad." -Seth Rihn

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday #6 - Life Can Be Strange

Hello everyone! Welcome to Across 53 Wednesdays! Every Wednesday, sometimes between the midnights, I post something up here for either my entertainment or yours (not quite sure who yet). But that brings me to something I've been wondering: what should I call you? I mean, it's not like I can write down the names of everyone who reads this, and nor can I know when I write this who will read it for all of it's existence. I may be one with the universe, but I'm not omniscient. So, the question comes to you: What would you like to be called, as the reader. I personally feel like I'm writing to individuals, like a letter or an email (some may tell you I actually send hand written letters through this thing call the mail), but it's a little weird for me to write to a nameless entity. So, I ask you to in the comments (or if you're able to message me on Facebook or via text) tell me what you think you should be called. Next week, I'll post my favorite 10 or so, and then you get to vote on the one that you want to be called. Simple as that.
     So, something weird happened to me today. Like, it happened just before I went into my room to write, and now I feel the need to talk about in a very public fashion weird. As I'm sure you know, it is common practice amongst people who had assigning specific ringtones as a novelty to do so with people who call them frequently (like I have specific ringtones for my girlfriend, best friend, and immediate family). With the exposition now established, here's what happened: I was spending sometime with my parents, enjoying light conversation, when the topic of ringtones arose. My mother then insisted that I call her, and hear what she has set as my ringtone. So I called, and proceeded to hear a song I played a couple years ago in marching band. And then my father insisted that I call him, and hear what he has set for a ringtone when I call him. For some strange reason, they seemed eager to inform me that they had set specialized ringtones for when I call them, and took great delight in seeing my reaction to it... But that's not the worst of it.
     No, the worst came when I was heading upstairs. As I was leaving earshot and direct focus on the conversation, I heard my mother say
     "Here, [name omitted], call me so you can hear what I have set for your ringtone."
      I was honestly worried about this most recent obsession that my parents have obtained. (quick little question: are things like this genetic? Should I expect this kind of thing to happen to me?) Could this be a thing that happens to all parents after a certain amount of time? Is 20 years the breaking point? But that isn't the end of the story. When I opened the door to my room, I found that my dog was standing on the bed. Not lying down, not sitting, but standing... almost waiting for me... 
     Well, I have been thoroughly freaked out today, and so I am done. I end it as always friends, with a poem and a quote (you can try submitting quotes if you want...)
Books, Books, Glorious Books!
Books, Books, Glorious Books!
Grab one, sit down, read it in a nook.
Or maybe you’d like to read them elsewhere?
In your house, in your room, at your desk, in a chair?
In a car, on a plane, in the warmth of sunlight?
When its day, when its night, whenever it feels right?
And of course its your favorite genre im sure.
Fantasy, historic, romantic, action/adventure.
These books are relished, loved, adored!
And you can get other if you get bored!
So hey, whats keeping you from reading?
Trust me, believe me, its what your brains been needing!
So maybe you don’t like reading as much as me.
But reading is fun, that much is easy to see.
Whats that? You’re an author you say?
Well come on in and stay for a day!
Now, lets talk about your book,
Did you bring a copy? I’d love to take a look.

"This is the moment where you punch the audience in the mouth! It's like you're taking Jinghan's brake drum, and smacking grandma in the face! COME HERE GRANDMA!!!" -Shawn Westover